Unesp realiza evento internacional na área genômica

Inscrições podem ser feitas até 31 de agosto. Encontro ocorre na cidade do Guarujá, SP

07/08/2013, 00:04 por: Maristela Garmes

Imagem: www.portaldoagronegocio.com.br

Entre os dias 9 e 11 de setembro será realizado o 5th International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics (5º Simpósio Internacional de Genômica Animal Funcional), na cidade de Guarujá, em SP.

Pela primeira vez no Brasil, o evento reunirá os principais pesquisadores e representantes da industria de vários países com o objetivo de tratar das pesquisas de ponta que envolvem a área de genômica funcional e sua aplicação na saúde e produção animal. As inscrições estão abertas e podem ser feitas até o dia 31 de agosto.    

A programação científica é composta por conferências, simpósios e sessões especiais de pôsteres. O Simpósio no Brasil é resultado de reuniões que ocorrem nas cidades de Dublin (2011), e Edimburgo (2008) e Michigan State University (2003 e 2006).

O prazo para envio de resumos online é 10 de agosto. As normas para submissão dos resumos estão publicadas no site do evento. Mais informações em http://isafg2013.org.br/  

5th International Symposium on Animal Functional Genomics (ISAFG 2013)
Local: Casa Grande Hotel Resort & Spa, Guarujá, São Paulo
Endereço: Av. Miguel Stéfano, 1001, Jardim Tegereba, Guarujá, 11440-902

Data: 9 a 11 de setembro
Telefone: (13) 2102-4000

Veja a programação do evento abaixo:

September 9th - 11th 2013
Sept. 8th (Sunday)
15:00 - 19:00 - Registration

Sept. 9th (Monday)
8:00 - 8:30-Opening Ceremony - UNESP / USP / FAPESP / CNPq / CAPES / IAEA-FAO / USDA

Session 1: Keynote Speaker
8:30 - 9:30 - James Womack - Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics at Texas A&M University) - United States
Title: A look at the brief history of livestock genomics and some thought to the future

Session 2: Genomics and Animal Health
Moderator: Cáris Maroni Nunes - FMVA - UNESP - Araçatuba - Brazil

10:00 - 10:45-Najib El-Sayed - University of Maryland - United States
Title: Improving knowledge on host-parasite interaction through genomics

10:45 - 11:30-Elinor Karlsson - Broad Institute Harvard – United States
Title: On the genetic interpretation of disease data

Session 3: Genomic Variation Impacting Phenotype Expression
Moderator: Fernando Cardoso - EMBRAPA - Pecuária Sul - Brazil

14:00 - 14:45-Olivier Hanotte - University of Nottingham - United Kingdom
Title: Times to tap the tropical livestock genome: the example of the East African Shorthorn Zebu

14:45 - 15:30-Johann Sölkner - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) - Austria
Title: Pleiotropy at Work: Complex Inheritance of Melanoma and Pigmentation of Coat and Skin in Grey Horses

16:00 - 16:45-George Liu - Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - USDA - United States
Title: Structural and functional impacts of cattle copy number variations

Special Poster Session
17:00 - 19:30-Poster Session with Jazz, Wine & Cheese (Sponsors’ Exhibition Session)

Sept. 10 th (Tuesday)

Session 4: Above the Genes: Epigenomics
Moderator: Flavio Meirelles - FZEA - USP - Brazil

8:00 - 8:45-Lawrence Smith - University of Montreal - Canada and UNESP/Brazil
Title: Reprogramming the Epigenome of Domestic Animals

8:45 - 9:30-Daniel de Carvalho -Faculty of Medicine - University of Toronto - Canada
Title: Epigenomics and cancer: A model for gene function understanding

Session 5: Genomic Evolution Across Species Impacting Gene Function
Moderator: Paolo Ajmone-Marsan - UNICATT - Italy

10:00 - 10:45-Yana Kamberov - Harvard Medical School - United States
Title: Using genomes as an archaeological record to unravel patterns of natural selection

10:45 - 11:30-Jerry Taylor- University of Missouri - United States
Title: Dealing with entire cattle genomes: Lessons we’ve learned?

Session 6: Genomics, Animal Industries and Food Security
Moderator: José Fernando Garcia - FMVA - UNESP - Araçatuba - Brazil

14:50 - 15:05-Donald Nkrumah - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - United States
Title: Livestock genomics and Developing World: Potential for hunger reduction

15:05 - 15:20-Curtis P. Van Tassell - Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - USDA - United States
Title: Critical analysis on the adoption of genomics in livestock industry in North America

15:20 - 15:35-Kathiravan Peryasami - Joint FAO/IAEA Division - Austria
Title: Examples on how the Multilateral System is facing the advent of genomics to foster food production

15:35 - 15:50-Scott Fahrenkrug - Department of Animal Science - University of Minnesota - United States
Title: Accelerating the genetic improvement of livestock with non-meiotic allele introgression

15:50 - 16:30-Round Table

Special Poster Session
16:30 - 19:30 - Poster Session with Jazz, Wine & Cheese (Sponsors’ Exhibition Session)

Sept. 11 th (Wednesday)
Session 7a: Improving Genome Assembly Models and Revealing Variation Within Species
Moderator: Mario Binelli - FMVZ - USP - Brazil

9:00 - 9:45-David Schwartz - Departments of Genetics and Chemistry - University of Wisconsin-Madison - United States
Title: Optical Mapping and novel applications to whole genome shotgun sequencing

9:45 - 10:30-James Reecy - Iowa State University - United States
Title: Gene variant discovery by genome re-sequencing

Session 7b: Improving Genome Assembly Models and Revealing Variation Within Species
Moderator: José Buratini Jr. - IBB - UNESP - Botucatu - Brazil

11:00 - 11:45-John McEwan - Ag Research - New Zealand
Title: Genotyping by sequencing revealing new boundaries on genomic variation

11:45 - 12:30-Matt Settles - University of Idaho - United States
Title: Novel approaches to gene expression using RNAseq method

Session 8: Discussion, Final Remarks and Close of Meeting
Moderator: Tad Sonstegard - ARS - USDA

Notícias recentes
